Enrolment & Waitlist for Family Day Care

Waitlist information:

We currently have 2 Family Day Care Educators located in Clunes & Creswick.

Our recommendation is to:

  • Start planning early
  • Put your child’s name on the waitlist as soon as possible.  Allow at least 12-18months before you need care.

Demand for places with our Family Day Care Educators is currently high. With most settled and positions full, we strongly encourage families to join the waitlist to pickup any casual days or upcoming vacancies. Once enrolled on our waitlist, you will remain active and we will be in contact if a position becomes available.

Understanding Priority of Access:

Our Priority of Access Policy ensures that we offer childcare and kindergarten places to children and families with the greatest need.
The Priority of Access Guidelines must be used to allocate available child care places
where there are more families requiring care than places available.
When filling vacant places, we are regulated to fill them according to the following priorities:
Priority 1 – a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect
Priority 2 – a child of a single parent who satisfies, or of parents/carers who both
satisfy, the work, training, study test
Priority 3 – any other child.

How to join the waitlist for Daylesford FDC:

By completing this online, we will have a more organized file AND you will only need to update your information once you have a spot here. Please fill in as much as you can- attach any supporting documents such as immunisation and/or medical info. This saves you time later on.

Go to: https://daylesfordfc.hubworks.com.au/

Select waitlist

Fill out as much of the form as possible but make sure you enter in your child’s date of birth, child’s CRN, parent’s CRN, your contact details, priority of access, days sought and immunisation status.   Parent 1 should be the parent registering with Centrelink for CCS (Child Care Subsidy).

Now either add another child, print for own record (if you wish) and SUBMIT